Logan Paul still sucks? That's crazy.

https://media-cldnry.s-nbcnews.com/image/upload/t_fit-1000w,f_auto,q_auto:best/rockcms/2024-01/240104-logan-paul-wm-521p-663ffd.jpgImage: Courtesy of Cindy Ord / Getty Images

After years and years of everlasting public scrutiny, Logan Paul has decided that enough is enough, so instead of trying to better himself as a person, he decides to sue investigative journalist, Coffeezilla, for showing the world how big of a scam artist he is.

For those of you who don't know, about two years ago, Coffeezilla, an American YouTuber and crypto journalist, released a multi-part monster exposé into Logan Paul's crypto scam, CryptoZoo

His videos on the subject reached such massive attention that it actually forced the Prime co-founder to take notice and reach out to the journalist in order to right his wrongs...in theory. See, what actually wound up happening was that Logan made a false promise to refund those who were scammed by his stupid crypto game and never actually did what he said he was gonna do.

Instead, he hopped on another crypto scam called Liquid Marketplace, which promised to allow consumers to share pieces of rare collectables, all through the advent of cryptocurrency. They're now being accused of defrauding their customers by the OSC.

When approached about the newer legal troubles that Paul had found himself in by Coffeezilla, Logan stonewalled him, and in June, filed a lawsuit against the independent journalist.

Yep, you read that right, Logan Paul, one of the richest content creators on the planet, who doesn't need good press to succeed consistently and because of that has been actively able to scam his fans again and again, has decided that in order for him to continue on with his stupid ventures in entertainment and crypto, he has to sue an online internet journalist in order to will his way back into the good grace of his audience (and the American government).

Still not as bad as when he filmed a dead man in the middle of the Aokigahara forest though.

How can a man with so much reach be so consistently stupid? Logan is an internet veteran that no matter what new records he sets for himself, he always feels the need to try and desperately claw his way toward more success, and at some point, maybe in the past year or in the past decade, he's completely lost the plot.

He just signed a multi-million dollar contract with the WWE, his energy drink is worth billions, he's the host of one of the most successful podcasts on the internet, and yet he always has to degrade himself in such dense ways because he's an unfortunate victim of greed, and his own personal brand of it never seems to be satisfied.

If you'd like to know more about the subject, check out Coffeezilla's video which is linked down below.